Yes, that really is a picture of a total idiot tattooing a 4 year old. As part of a new string of articles I’m doing about how eBay machines are ruining the industry, and innocent peoples’ skin, meet George “Hook” Jerutis. Full story and some links I found on after the jump.Hook seems to have been tattooing minors for 10 years, at least. He’s known to be cheap, not ask questions, and works on the top floor of a pub in Chicago, USA. As if that isn’t ridiculous enough, he’s also spreading hepatitis and AIDs online with his website, “Hook’s Online Apprenticeship”.
“…the notion that you need to be an artist to tattoo is wrong”, claims his website. Sorry, what? What do you do then, Hook, steal other people’s original designs and tattoos to put on children? What an idiot. He claims to teach people who are dumb enough to pay $500 for his “course” to have sterile equipment? How sterile are they going to be if they’re in someone’s messy living room, Hook? Wouldn’t a real tattoo artist get an apprenticeship in a clean shop and learn from a professional?
Hook may be one of the more extreme cases of scratchers out there, but trust me, by just reading this you can see it can happen. These idiots will buy their shit eBay machines. They will tattoo out of their living room. They will tattoo your children. They will spread disease. And then when they’re done that, they’ll teach other people how to do it and tell them they can make a career out of it. And y’know what? They don’t give a fuck what they’re doing.
Regulating equipment won’t remove Hook’s machine from his property, but making sure he can’t buy any more ink would stop him being able to tattoo any child again. I’m going to post up a petition in the next couple of days, after I’ve given you guys a chance to learn more, and as I’ve said before, I urge you to sign it.
Below are links I found from this article on
First online reported case of Hook tattooing a minor
Second online reported case of Hook tattooing a minor
Posted in General News Tagged: Artist Specific, chicago, children, crime, george jerutis, online course, sick, Tattoo, tattooblog, UK Petition